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AFT Celebrates 1.5 Million-Member Milestone

Music, lights and a video presentation of recent organizing victories accompanied the celebratory announcement on July 9 at the AFT convention that the union's total membership number has officially surpassed 1.5 million, including almost 70,000 new members in the past year.

The new number represents growth in all of the AFT's divisions, and is especially significant given the tough economic and labor environment workers face. In the past two years, the union has chartered 53 locals, won 85 organizing victories and organized staff in 150 charter schools.

"More and more people who work in schools, colleges and universities, health facilities, and government buildings want a union to provide its members with a voice, support and resources," says AFT president Randi Weingarten.

The announcement came after a video presentation highlighting some of the political and economic challenges faced by local affiliates nationwide. The video chronicled how these locals, with assistance from the AFT, were able to turn their challenges into organizing successes and political victories.

The AFT's success in organizing and mobilizing members has made it one of the fastest growing unions in the AFL-CIO.

July 9, 2010

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